We Are Back!

WE ARE BACK! And my goodness it feels good to be making music with everyone in the same room. When I entered the room the looks on the kids faces were of amazement, as if I had stepped out of a zoom meeting, through the screen and into their lives. There was an abundance of wild energy in the room that wild horses couldn’t compete with! We had the most fun and I am looking forward to the energetic classes to come.

Animals, animals, animals!

This week was animal week! The class started with the most dynamic version of Old MacDonald I have ever enjoyed. We got to move like a monkey, fly like a reindeer, and shake our feathers like a peacock! It was a truly unique visit to the farm. My goal on animal week is to get the kids experimenting with their voices, I instruct them to sing like the animals. This usually gets everyone making music together even the kids who usually enjoy being quiet.

Here we go again!

It is a new year of making Music at Arise YWCA! What a wonderful welcome "We love you Joanna" is what I get to hear when I sign on to zoom. What a true privilege it is to sing and share music with this group. The Staff and moms are always clapping and dancing, modelling joy and creative expression for the kids. There is a large age range in this group. The toddlers zoom around while the tweens chill on the couches. I alway try to add in a little basic music theory for the older kids don't feel alienated. Here's to another year of music fun!

Love, Love, Love

Today the mothers and I started our session with a meditation focusing on people that love us, and the feeling of being loved. We then sang two songs and discussed lyrics from the songs that we connect to or feel represented by. At the end of our session, the mothers completed an evaluation and shared their excitement to come back to music therapy in the New Year.