
Today was the first time we met for music therapy this fall, and there were a few familiar faces. As a way to introduce ourselves to each other, the moms answered the ice breaker question: “If you were a superhero, what would your superpower be?” There was laughter in the room and shared connection between the women as they discussed their superpowers and how their lives would be different if they had these superpowers.

We then moved onto a drumming activity where the women got to explore the drum and play a few games. They then played a steady beat on their drums to Could You Be Loved by Bob Marley, and they shared how powerful the lyrics were. To continue exploring songs with powerful lyrics, we sang Stand By Me, Lean On Me, and Three Little Birds

As the session came to a close, we started an activity where the women would create their own superwoman logo with an affirmation of what makes them a superwoman. We will be completing this activity during the following week. 

Sunshine and Self Love

Today we sat outside for music therapy and everyone shared how much they appreciated the sun. We shared one good thing that happened to us this week, and moved to playing instruments and dancing to music suggested by the participants. We then sang Simply the Best and wrote our own versions of Simply the Best. One of the participants shared that she wanted to sing her version for the group, and she dedicated her version to one of the staff members. She then shared how grateful she was for the community and that she was sad she would be leaving soon. The participants provided support and affirmed that she would always belong to the community, even if she was moving away. We closed the session with the first part of a poetry writing exercise using song lyrics.

A Soft Place to Land

We had five women and two newborn babies attend our session today. We focused on recognizing the strengths that exist within us, and it was a very supportive and open session. The women shared about what inspires and gives them courage, and they each shared a song that holds significance to their story. There were a few tears shed, but also lots of laughter and kindness throughout the session.

We had our first music therapy session today. We started our day with a guided imagery meditation, and completed an ice breaker to get to know each other's musical preferences. Our motto for the day was the Chinese proverb: "You cannot prevent the birds of sorrow from flying over your head, but you can prevent them from building nests in your hair." We then listened to and sang the song This is Me, which led to further discussion and song sharing. One mom shared a song that made her feel supported and she shared her memory of how she first found it. She also shared her thoughts on how music could be used more intentionally to support our everyday needs.

To New Endings

Today was our final music therapy session for the season and it was quite sentimental. We reviewed our time together, played the djembe along to music, and sang a song that was meaningful to the group. As a parting gift and as a reminder of the new tools and resources they built in our time together, the women were given kalimbas and a jar filled with positive affirmations.

Bonding and Connection

Today we had three moms who joined our session. It was quite an open and safe environment. The mothers were given the opportunity to meditate, improvise on instruments, and share their thoughts with each other. The mothers shared how they felt free during the improvisation, and that they could see themselves using music to bond with their children as they did in our session.

Empowered and Strong

We had another great turn-out with every mom equally invested in the group. The group had a warm and safe energy that allowed for an openness to share. After completing a meditation, we sang some music and talked about the lyrics in the songs. The mothers shared about their strengths, the things that make them who they are, and they took turns telling each other what made them proud to be themselves.

New Beginnings

Despite some technical difficulties, the moms of the shelter met for music therapy. Since it was the first session back from the break, I shared about the benefits of music in healing and wellness. The moms then sang along with me and shared about their support systems. They also shared with the group words that represented strength and support, and turned those words into positive affirmations in song.