Connection and New Beginnings

Today was the first music therapy session provided to the mothers. They engaged in building a community and supporting one another through playing and learning about the djembe, sharing musical preferences, and singing songs. It was beautiful to see how open the women were to trying new and unfamiliar things. One even volunteered to share her voice with the group.

Strumming and Singing

This week we had a fun mini concert during our first class, during which we encouraged the student to strum and sing along. We had fun while reinforcing our “playing position” and strumming to a beat.

On the second class we had a very excited new student. The age difference between the two participants who attended this week made it a bit challenging, but both are learning fast and we already know several chords.

Spiders, Cobwebs, and Eye Balls, OH MY!

Week two at Arise YWCA and we had so much fun!! A huge highlight was adding instruments - maracas and rhythm sticks! We used them to ring the bells during the fire truck song and to jam together to Baby Beluga. We finished the class stirring a witches brew in preparation for Halloween next week. The big kids chose to stir in spiders, cobwebs, and eye balls, OH MY!

A New Wavy Song

It was great to sing with our student again this week, and because he didn’t have camp during the daytime, he was a bit more focused. He was quite intent on playing with all the instruments he could get his hands on, so we did as many rhythm songs as we could fit in.

Our new student was a pleasure to meet! He was open to vocal explorations and clapping games, and excelled at solfege. He was full of laughter when we sang a new song about waves, and waved his arms throughout. A very joyful day at Ernestines!