Hello Dundas Gooch!
/Today was the first class at the Dundas Gooch residence, and boy was I EXCITED! It has been a while since I have led an RSF class and I was looking forward to making some new friends.
I was able to connect immediately with a young child, age 3. She requested a few of her favourite songs and had such a vibrant, energetic personality that I couldn't help but giggle and smile through the entire class. The moms in attendance were also lovely and sang along, participating fully. We sang through quite a few songs (Roly Poly, Hands Together, Hands Apart, The Wheels On The Bus, Row Row Row Your Boat, Crocky Crocodile, Old MacDonald, Little Green Frog, Mr. Sun, Zoom Zoom Zoom). I also sneaked in a couple songs to prepare for Halloween Week (Pumpkin Pumpkin and Five Little Pumpkins)!
For the instrument of the week I did a general run through of how to play all the instruments from the jam bag. Afterwards I brought out an instrument called a cabasa. It is a percussion instrument with loops of steel ball chain wrapped around a wide cylinder. The cylinder is fixed to a long, narrow, wooden handle. It provides a metallic "ch ch ch" sound when shaken or twisted. We passed it around pretending to brush our teeth using the cabasa to imitate the sound of a toothbrush.
Moving along to the jam, we sang through a couple of my favourites (Brown Eyed Girl, Stand By Me, Three Little Birds). All the participants were smiling and singing. Some of the young ones were even dancing! The parachute was a huge hit and we sang about all the colours we could see (Red, Yellow, Green and Blue Parachute Song) as well as the stars up above (Twinkle Twinkle Little Star).
I truly couldn't have asked for a better start at Gooch! Feeling very thankful this Thanksgiving.