Sing Out...

Once again we had even more people join us for singing today! School classes at Jessie's Centre (for those mothers who still want to work toward high school credits) were in session today, so a number of new moms were able to join us. A couple of the moms are pre-natal, but still joined in as a means to start learning some music to sing with their babies once they arrive. Everyone had either a real baby or a baby doll with them to do all the actions with – it was wonderful! Today a big focus was placed on going over lyrics and actions as a way to get to know one another and make sure everyone felt comfortable in the circle, whether or not there was a real baby in front of them. Sometimes getting right into the action is hard for these young women if they don't have a child to work with – they feel silly or out of place – so ensuring that everyone feels as safe and as comfortable as possible is important. I'm sure that as we continue to sing with one another in the coming weeks we'll be able to break down some of those barriers and really sing out!