From shoes to shopping to travelling
/As people started arriving for class I was happy to see that all the little faces were familiar, so I sought out to review some of the challenging material from last week's class. We started with The Days Of The Week and What Are You Wearing. We also did some preparation for Earth Week by reviewing the sign language for Mr. Sun and Trees Need The Sun. I also taught them a new song called The Tree Song. It had quite a lot of words and actions, so I took them through the song slowly. Chanting the text first, then adding the actions, and finally putting everything together while singing the melody. They did very well and were extremely focused. To finish the song, I showed them how to do the yoga tree pose, and was very impressed with their efforts – balancing on one foot can be very hard to do! We then drove our firetrucks around the room at a frenzied pace for Hurry Hurry Drive The Firetruck.
After sitting down we refocused by Rolling The Ball and Passing The Bean Bag. I then brought out two pairs of Clave Sticks for the instrument of the week. I taught them the basic clave rhythm and we kept the beat using the sticks and our hands as we sang Five Little Monkeys. We kept the sticks out for the jam and sang Down In The Valley and Hands Up! After playing around with the parachute, we sang The Goodbye Song and had some snacks together.