"What Will You Be For Halloween?"
This week I prepped Robertson House for Halloween Week. We started with a song called "What Will You Be For Halloween?" to get everyone thinking about their choice of costume. It was fun to hear which costumes were clearly the favourites of the group (Spiderman, Princess, Cowboy,) and it also built some excitement about dressing up for the big night. We learned two songs about pumpkins (Pumpkin, Pumpkin, Big And Round and Five Little Pumpkins,) and I shared a spooky version of The Itsy, Bitsy Spider. We moved onto some other animal songs about bugs, including Poor Little Bug On The Wall, and marched around the room for The Ants Go Marching.
The Instrument of the Week was the Ocean Drum. It was a bit loud and intimidated some of the younger ones, but I showed them how to play the drum softly by slowly tipping it from side to side. We passed the drum around and took our Yellow Submarines under the water.
For the Jam we stuck with the Beatles theme we had going and sang one of my favourites, Twist and Shout. Some of the girls started creating choreography and it was wonderful to see the "Girl Group" come alive for one more class!