Caribana at June Callwood Centre
/This week was a very special class! Toronto’s Caribana parade and festival is coming up this weekend, so we had a Caribana-themed class. We all had a lot of fun! We did some Jamaican music, some reggae music, and of course I included some Bob Marley songs – these ones really got all of the volunteers and moms singing along! I brought Hawaiian leis to class for us all to wear, and we did some of our regular Rainbow Songs repertoire (such as “Hands Together, Hands Apart”) with added body bells that the grownups and babies wore around their wrists and ankles. I brought a mini steel pan in for the Instrument of the week, and the whole class loved it. The best part about seeing the class develop week to week is how the babies are learning to use an instrument and then pass it along to the next person without crying, or fighting to give it up. I think they’re starting to realize that there’s always more fun activities around the corner, so putting away an instrument isn’t so bad after all.
We ended the class on a nice note with everyone smiling – the Caribana theme was a big success!