Making Room for Spontaneity

The kids were on incredibly good behaviour when I came in. I’ve noticed that aside from a small handful of disruptive kids (who the shelter staff are very skilled at helping with), all the kids are engaged and want to learn, so they do a good job at self regulating so things don’t get too rowdy. It feels like a milestone from when we started in the fall! One highlight of the class was while sharing our favourite songs and musical artists, one kid referenced a song called It’s Raining Tacos, which triggered a spontaneous song and dance number from half the class. I simply had to make that a greater part of the lesson, but we also still had time for amazing percussion explorations, which had the kids demonstrating just how clever they are at subdividing rhythms. I’m really excited to see where we go in this direction!

A Rousing Start!

Our first class at Nellie's was a huge hit! The class consisted of two three year old girls and two baby boys, and a mom with each child. The older toddlers were on their feet immediately, singing along and dancing. And the mom/baby duos were also enjoying themselves. The highlight for me was during the parachute, however, when a mom and baby went and lay down under the parachute, unprompted by me, with the mom lifting her baby in the air each time the parachute flew up. This made the toddler girls giggle and they joined in by lying down and watching the parachute together in community. For a first time at a new shelter, this class wa ssuccess!

Taking Turns with the Singing Bowl

Last night at Arise we sang about the winter weather and pretended to be snowflakes melting on the ground when the sun comes out. Then we made silly faces while singing The Little Green Frog, and hopped around like bunnies to Sleeping Bunnies. The highlight of the class however was when I brought out the singing bowl as the instrument of the week. The children were very interested in this instrument! They all took two turns each, and insisted on the moms trying to play them as well. The class then ended with many hugs!

Together Under the Parachute

Last week's Arise class was another fun one. The children were once again extremely engaged, and highlights included tapping and stopping with our rhythm sticks, as well as the parachute. There was a moment under the parachute when a few children joined hands in a circle and began jumping together in unison to the music. It was really lovely. Back there tonight!

New Year, New Fun!

We were back for our first class of the new year at Arise last night. The ages of the children ranged from 2-6 years old, and they all waited for the class to start with anticipation. Then when we started, this was maybe the most focused and engaged RSF group I've ever had!! It felt like a true celebration, with lots of dancing and singing together. One little girl was a natural born performer and turned outwards to face the rest of the group and showed off her dancing skills. She had the other children and grown-ups smiling and encouraging her. It was super fun and also heartwarming to see how much the mothers in attendance were enjoying themselves. I'm really looking forward to continuing with this group again next week!