Fun All Around!

This was a very lively class, with a good amount of parental participation without me having to encourage them too much!  Everyone particularly loved “Walking, I’m Just Walking Along”, and the kids listened very well to all the actions and didn’t get distracted by the various toys as we walked around the entire room.  Grownups were singing along to “3 Little Birds” during the jam as the kids went wild, and we finished off with “I Feel Good” during the parachute. Feeling good indeed!

Infectious Enthusiasm!

Though things started off a bit shy in the class, as parents and kids filtered in over the first few songs, the energy started to pick up. In particular, there was one parent who was new to the class, and he was clapping, smiling, and shouting “alright!” during all the songs.  His energy definitely translated to the other parents in the room, which is always a magical phenomenon.

Babies Learn To Dance! 

We had mostly babies in our class today with the exception of a (very helpful) 2 year-old. This made for a peaceful class in which we could explore a little more of the baby repertoire. It was lots of fun to see the parents guiding the babies’ legs as they learned to dance while laying on their backs. These kinds of activities really help moms and their kids to bond through music and movement. I love seeing these moments! 

Snap! Snap! Snap!

Repetition is so important when learning music. One of my favourites to repeat is Crocky Crocodile. The children and adults at Humewood House have had time to learn and become familiar with the song. Now whenever we sing it together everyone is free to play and have fun with the song! I love seeing adults getting into the spirit and doing all of the actions, and the kids love it too and show it by "snapping" right back "Snap! Snap! Snap!" 

Thunder struck!

Yesterday evening was an all-around great class! The current group at Arise is engaged and excited for our classes! The group loved doing the call and response section in “Everybody Knows that I Love my Toes,” standing up and turning around for “What are you Wearing” and doing silly movements with the “Hokey Pokey.” We also had a lot of fun doing different kinds of movements with the “Walking Song.” The highlight of the class however was when I brought out the Thunder Tube as the instrument of the week. They were very intrigued! As always our jam was super loud and boisterous now that two older kids have joined the group - they are wonderful drummers! 

Helping Hands

There was a lot of connection today between parents and kids, as well as older and younger siblings.  This is great, as it lets me work more rhythm and clapping songs into the mix, with the older ones leading the babies and toddlers in their actions.  Songs like “I wake up my hands with a clap clap clap” were enjoyed by all, and the older kids were very engaged in their lefts and rights during the Hokey Pokey.  I worked on hand positions for the recorder this week, and Henry played us some tunes, as he is already far ahead in his recorder learning.

A New Perspective!

Today at Humewood House (HH) we had a change of location. This was such a great decision. More children were able to participate and more parents attended as well. The staff at HH were excited to receive their RSF CD to play in their classrooms! This was a class where I could feel the love an support from the parents and caregivers as they dove into the music and fun with a lot of positive energy! It so wonderful to have the extra support, and was uplifting to hear all the voices singing together. 

Singing Bowl Love

Last week's class got us on our feet right away with "Clap Your Hands and Sing 123," which people loved stomping and singing along to. Other highlights included "Allouette," with some bigger kids leading the French, "Sticky Bubblegum" and the singing bowl as the "Instrument of the Week." The families all enjoyed figuring out how to play it on their own and the shelter staff said they would love to get their own singing bowl for the house as it's so calming!  We also had a fun and relaxing jam to Bob Marley tunes, and finished off with the parachute - everyone's favourite!