
Despite a low turnout this week at our CultureLink class, we still had a fun time with all sorts of activities. With only two children and their mom, plus some enthusiastic staff, we managed to crank up the energy with our rendition of B-I-N-G-O. The kids did a great job of quickly moving through all the letter signs as we sung. We also had a great time learning some tambourine skills later in the class. Hopefully we get more participants for our last class next week!


Jingle Bells

Today I passed out bells to all the participants and had them practice shaking the bells five times in a row to sing Hurry Hurry Drive the Firetruck. We then sang Twinkle Twinkle, Shake It Baby Shake It, and finished with a big finale of Jingle Bells. We explored the Brazilian instrument, the Caxixi, for Instrument of the Week and had a great jam session.


The Fish Returns!

Today was a bit strange. We started late because there was a meeting going on with some of the moms, and the staff member who normally sits in on the classes was caught up with another pressing matter at the shelter. Because we started late, some of the kids were pretty tired and ready for bed for a chunk of the class, but a couple of things brought the energy up. The first was that after several weeks of one of the kids requesting a particular song about a fish that she couldn’t remember – and me trying every fish song I could think of – it turned out to be Baby Shark! The second thing that brought the energy up was, undoubtedly, the instruments for jam time, and a smiling rendition of Jingle Bells.

10 Little Fingers

We had a smaller group today, but it was also more intimate and connected after the past few weeks of gigantic groups. We started off with lots of hands-focused songs, and after last week’s Hokey Pokey the kids were great at finding their lefts and rights. However, it was the stomping that really got them going, and we did an extra long version of I Have a Little Bicycle, with lots of stops and starts. The kids mimed ringing the bell on the bicycle, which is something I’m definitely going to incorporate into future versions of that song. When we got up on our feet, I brought out Walking, I’m Just Walking Along for the first time, and everybody took to it instantly and delighted in the changes of activity within the song. Even though the group was smaller, it was no less dynamic!

Jingle All the Way!

As cool, snowy winds brushed into the city, it was time to bring out the jingle bells at Robertson House! As soon as we put the bells around our wrists and sang the words “Dashing through the snow,” the kids jumped up and danced as the parents enthusiastically joined in on a holiday favourite. What a fun class! Looking forward to the rest of the session!

Follow the Beat!

We had a great class with our CultureLink participants on Thursday. With a slightly older age group, the kids had no problem following along with a beat during our jams. We played a game during our rendition of Yellow Submarine where participants had to hit their drums only when I stomped my feet. I managed to fool them a few times, but I was very impressed with their rhythmic skills! Looking forward to our next class.

Bells Are a Ringin'

Today I had a smaller group which worked perfectly for the instruments of the week. I showed the Tibetan tingshaw bells (which are used for meditation and balancing of the left and right hemispheres of the brain) and the Nepalese singing bowls. The kids were fascinated by both and enjoyed trying to make them sound.

Singing bowl.jpg

Feeling Full

Today’s class started off a bit smaller while some of the kids had their dinner, which made the flow of things a bit strange. However, it’s always nice to be joined in the middle of a song by kids who know the words and can bring a fresh energy to the class. The post-dessert participation also meant that there was a lot of bouncing to be had (helped by a sugar rush, no doubt), followed by a sugar-crash that made for a very accurate Sleeping Bunnies. Things perked up again for the jam, and I didn’t have to remind anyone not to hit the drums with maracas this time, even among the very little ones!

The Biggest Group Yet!

This week was a loud one! With such a big class, I was surprised everybody fit, but the circle ended up quite well organized, with the youngest kids closest and the older siblings providing encouragement at the back. Though the size of the group is wonderful, sometimes it can be hard for the parents to participate with the kids when there are so many of them, which is why standing, dancing, and circle songs always do the trick of getting the kids and grown-ups engaged at the same time. Today’s big hit was the Hokey Pokey, with the grown-ups helping the kids find their lefts and rights. When they have more fun, everyone does!

Feel the Vibrations!

Another great class at Robertson House this week! We had lots of fun playing with our Instrument of the Week, the tingshaw bells. Kids and parents alike were mesmerized by the sound of the bells as we passed them around and lifted them over our heads to feel the vibrations around us. The sound lasted for so long! We also had a great time dancing during our jam session at the end of class. Lots of great energy! Looking forward to our remaining classes!
