Rainbow Songs Foundation

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Sent Off with a Smile

Although it was a small group this week, there was a mix of familiar faces and some new ones. I was so happy to see that both moms seemed comfortable sitting with us on the floor, so after making some introductions we started the class with The Hello Song. 

I took the group through tons of material including Roly Poly, Where Is Thumbkin?, Open Em Shut Em, Twinkle Twinkle Little Star, Mr. Sun, Listen To The Water, Five Little Minnows, I Had A Rooster, Old MacDonald, The Wheels On The  Bus, Row Row Row Your Boat, The Bicycle Song and Zoom Zoom Zoom. 

We also made sure to Roll The Ball, and once successful, we also attempted to share with our neighbour as we sang Pass The Beanbag. One child was having difficulty but her mom was incredible prompt in helping her. It made a huge difference and I made sure to applaud her efforts. Leading by example is truly the best way for any child to learn a new concept!

For the instrument of the week we passed around the singing bowls from Tibet. While I was demonstrating one mom exclaimed, "This is so relaxing." I told her to feel free to lie down with her child, close her eyes and think some positive thoughts. Chanting and humming along to the soothing sound of the bowl can help center the mind and allow the body to release negative energy simply by taking deep breaths.

We jammed to Three Little Birds and Baby Beluga with the newest member of our group laughing along the way. She was adorable and VERY musical! At the end of class (after the parachute, of course) the two older children had a tough time saying goodbye so we got ready all together, making up a song about putting on our coats, boats, hats and mittens. This seemed to send them off with a smile!