Robertson House Fun!
It was a quiet day at Robertson House as many residents were feeling ill and resting. It looked like were were going to have no participants at all when I spotted a mom with her two small children sitting in the cafeteria. I went up to them and introduced myself and they said that they had heard about me and would love to join. Although they were shy at first, the two staff members were very encouraging and we sang through a ton of material.
We warmed up the voice again this week with
The Flea Song and
One Button, Two Button. We also learned the actions to accompany
Mr. Sun, Thunder Pounding and
Rain Rain Go Away. At this point in the class the mom laughed and exclaimed, "This is a lot of singing!" I decided to give the voices a little break and brought out the turtle puppet I had brought with me that day to prepare for
Animal Week. I sang the melody a couple of times alone and then asked the group to join me in singing while making their own turtles with their hands. It was fun to the see the reaction on the little one's faces. The youngest child made a particularly funny face, opening her eyes and mouth super wide. I decided to keep the silliness going with
Little Green Frog and then
Three Green And Speckled Frogs. Other animals songs we sang included
Baby Shark, Old MacDonald, The Itsy Bitsy Spider and
The Ants Go Marching.
We also took turns
Rolling The Ball practicing sharing with one another.
IOTW I showed the group the
Ocean Drum. The oldest child was very concerned about how I brought it on the TTC and I explained to her that indeed I did end up playing it for a couple of curious commuters. As we passed it around we
Listened To The Water naming animals that we saw along with way.
We jammed to one of my favourite songs,
Rockin' Robin and
Three Little Birds which rounded off the animal theme nicely.
The parachute was (as always) a highlight for the group and we sang along to
Hush Little Rooster as we took the parachute up and down gently.
Although our numbers were small, the energy was positive and for thank I am always thankful! Until next time.