Brand New Faces at Robertson!
After the Hello Song, I decided to teach a couple of tunes to the group to get us in the spirit for Halloween Week. I Shut The Door, Pumpkin Pumpkin, and Five Little Pumpkins are some of my favourites, and although doing three new songs back-to-back is a bit risky I was able to keep the group completely engaged and praised the grownups for their participation. I also made sure to teach them some songs off of the RSF CD and corresponding lyric sheet (I Wake Up My Hands, Sticky Sticky Bubblegum, If You're Happy and You Know It, Wheels on the Bus, Row, Row, Row Your Boat, and Zoom Zoom Zoom).
For the instrument of the week I demonstrated how to play the Clave Sticks while singing along to All De' Nations Like Bananas. To get to know the children's names a bit better I changed the lyrics to All The Children/Grownups Like Bananas, and many people seemed to like having their name sung aloud.
Jamming with a new group of people for the first time is always a cool experience. Sometimes people are shy while other times they surprise you with their excitement and energy. I led them through I Feel Good and Three Little Birds, and luckily these song choices seemed to compliment the group nicely as they sung loud and clear!
Overall it was a great "start" to the session with a great group of families, and I hope to keep the momentum going next week!