Rainbow Songs Foundation

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New Songs Both Challenge and Create Focus

It was a particularly energetic class at Robertson House today. According to staff, the children had been asking about me the entire weekend, so upon my arrival there were lots of hugs and high-fives. Several of the children helped me form a train to bring the jam bag from the daycare and as we made our way through the cafeteria and past the reception desk, there were a lot of smiles and cheers from the staff working at the front desk. I was proud of my little ones for being SO incredibly helpful in setting up the room and cleaning up a bit of mess that was left there from various morning activities.

Despite the somewhat chaotic energy at times, I was able to try out some new songs that captured their attention and made for an enjoyable class. We sang If All the Raindrops, Mr. Sun, Thunder Pounding, Johnny Didn't Have Any Breakfast, Nothing Inthe World the Monkey Won't Do, The Rooster Song, Old MacDonald, Tingalayo and TheLittle Green Frog.

For the instrument of the week we passed around two pairs of Tingshaw Bells from Tibet. This instrument could not have been more suited to today's group of children as we were able to take a moment and mediate, breathing deeply in through the nose and out through the mouth.