Rainbow Songs Foundation

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Salut, mes amis!

There is one mother and son who have been coming for almost a year now. I can remember how at first, she was very reluctant to participate (or attend, even!) Her son would sometimes appear alone, and we would have to send her back to their apartment to bring her down. One week, I overheard her speaking French to her son. (She is from Guinea). This was my chance to make a connection! So I started to speak French with her before and after class. I ask her questions about how her days has been, etc, and she always asks how my wife is. She has really warmed up, and now she is one of the most passionate participants of the program. She's often the first to arrive at class. She is the first to get on her feet to dance, and she always helps encourage the other mother's to loosen up and get a little silly.

This week before class, she asked if we could sing some French songs in class. Absolutely! It's great to get feedback and suggestions from the mothers, and I am happy to take requests.