Introductions and Body Percussions
What a wonderful way to be introduced to everybody at the Redwood! Our first class was a mixed age group, and the kids were enthusiastic to share a lot of their favourite songs and had no qualms about singing them on the spot. One staff member was also very helpful, playing the songs on her phone as the kids were mentioning them. It was a great way to get to know what gets everyone excited about music! We talked about the building blocks of music and focused some time on Solfege as an introduction to learning the major scale on the piano. When the next group of kids joined in the second hour, some of the previous kids didn’t want to leave! We continued with some piano basics, but what really energized the room was practicing counting musically with body percussion, which the kids got into without any problem. The staff and kids at the Redwood were so enthusiastic, they stuck around to keep playing music on the keyboard even after I left!