New songs at Robertson House
With a small, yet active, group of participants we set off learning some new songs: I Shut the Door, Pumpkin Pumpkin, Five Little Pumpkins, and I'm Dressing Up For Halloween. We were also able to review some familiar tunes: Roly Poly, I Wake Up My Hands, Horsey Horsey, Old MacDonald and The Itsy Bitsy Spider. I also made sure to give everyone a chance Rolling the Ball, hoping that it would encourage the little ones to share with one another.
When I brought out the instrument bag I made sure to review all the rules and also went over how to play the Clave Sticks as ourinstrument of the week. We sang All De' Children Like Bananas, singing a verse to each child which always creates a special moment. I also sang to the grownups as this is a great way for them to feel comfortable. We finished with Stand By Me, which is a great song that encourages participation as many people know most, if not all, the words. We ended with the parachute and one mom exclaimed, "I remember doing this when I was a little girl!" It was nice to hear that she could have a child-like moment once more and bond with her little one at the same time.