Rainbow Songs Foundation

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Halloween Fun at Jessie's

When I entered the child care centre at Jessie's last week I was immediately engulfed in a small crowd of costumed staff, moms and children who were celebrating Halloween together. Jessie's hosted a special afternoon of Halloween activities and Rainbow SongsFoundation kicked it all off! We had a much larger crowd than usual, which was wonderful (though much noisier as well)! Our all-Halloween repertoire was very, very, well received as we sang about getting dressed for Halloween, mentioned all our costumes in Old MacDonald (on this farm there was everything from a lion to superman) and howled like wolves! The moms really got into listing gross things we could add to our witches brew, including boogers, eyeballs and cobwebs, and everyone did a wonderful dance and movement version of the Monster Mash. It was a very spooky, silly and enjoyable class!