Rainbow Songs Foundation

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Preparation for Animal Week

It was a slightly smaller class at Robertson House this week, but we were very focused on making music and I was very impressed by the amount of participation from grownups and children alike. There were also some new faces who were amazing singers!

I decided to prepare the group for another special theme week known as Animal Week. I have been doing lots of animal songs in my regular classes during the week and was inspired by how much children LOVE animal songs. Some were more familiar than others but I took the time to ask the group and prep accordingly. The set list looked as follows: Johnny Didn't Have Any Breakfast, Listen To The Water, Old MacDonald, Three Green and Speckled Frogs, Little Green Frog, and Tingalayo.We also sang some songs from the RSF CD at request (I Wake Up My Hands, Hands Together Hands Apart and Mr. Sun.)

We Then reviewed Rolling The Ball, and because this was so successful we Passed the Bean Bag. 

We had a nice long jam, which included, The Lion Sleeps Tonight, Rockin' Robin, and Going to the Zoo to further prepare for Animal Week.

The parachute was a huge hit for the new participants! We sang a song about all the amazing colors (Red, Yellow, Green and Blue) and went slowly up and down as we listened to a relaxing recording ofBlackbird by The Beatles.