Courtney starts at June Callwood Centre
The June Callwood Centre re-opened today after being closed for a week due to renovations. The building looks great! We had a smaller class size as it was the first day back. Some participants had been to the previous session with Jessica so they already knew a lot of our Rainbow Songs repertoire! We started off the session with some opposite songs, such as “Roly Poly”. We tried some animal songs, and we jammed with all of the instruments to “You Are My Sunshine”. We also learned a Jamaican song called “Clap Your Hands and Sing 1-2-3” as we will have a Caribana-themed class coming up.
Hands down, the highlight of the class for the babies was the parachute, as they were all playing peek-a-boo underneath with the grown-ups. After class, I sat with the babies for a few minutes and had some of them strum my guitar because they had all been sizing it up for the whole class. That was a big success. I’m looking forward to seeing everyone again next week, and hopefully some new faces too!