Rainbow Songs Foundation

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Winter 2010 - Brian at Family Residence

Week 1

A great start for a new programme with 8 kids and an equal number of adults, both Moms and Dads.  Despite the fact that a lot of material was new to them, everyone had lots of fun with songs for Animal Week.  There was occasional dancing, lots of laughter, and some even had some toy animals to play with.  But the most noise occured when the parachute came out.  Even those children who were not quite sure what had been going on before, or what the class was all about were up laughing and dancing, and screaming with delight.  Adults and children were very appreciative at the end of the session...

Week 2

After the frenzy of Animal Week, we dove into some of the regular Rainbow Songs material this week.  And the response of the 8 children and 6 adults was just as enthusiastic with lots of clapping, stomping and laughing.   Most of those in attendance had been there last week, and led the fun parade.  And what higher form of 'thanks' is there than that displayed by one mother who expressed her appreciation by offering to assist me with putting my stuff away at the end of class?

Week 3

A rock star welcome from young smiling faces, and repeated good-byes from the same at the end.  In between, enthusiastic laughing, singing and dancing as the children become better acquainted with the songs.  While the parents were fewer in number than previous weeks, the children will no doubt let them know what a great time they ha

Week 4

A couple of new 'customers' among the 10 or so children along with the 8 adults.  The returning children alternate between encouraging the newcomers, and snuggling up with their friends.  They quickly helped turn the uncertainty of those newcomers to full participants.  Even the adults got a bang out of hitting the Chinese opera gong.

Week 5

Nothing like ending with a bang!!  Over 15 children, the highest number of the session, and about 8 adults finished out the mini-session.  In the short time, favourites have been developed, and the newcomers quickly got caught up in the enthusiasm displayed by the regulars as they sang and danced to them.  With no set return date, it is uncertain how many will get the chance to participate again, which made the 'good-byes' and expressions of thanks resonate more deeply.